Wednesday, February 11, 2009

hello from us

Hi ,
sorry no photos today. Intended to last night BUT no internet connection. Then tonight, well we are completely worn out. So you will just have to do with a few brief comments.
WE are at the Grand Canyon .........and it is stunning. It snowed here yesterday so there is a covering of snow that took our breath away. Saw a sunset here and it was beautiful.
We are going for more of an explore tomorrow.
The past few days have been draining as we have spent quite a bit of time in the car. However we have 2 nights here so hopefully we will get our energy back.
The Captivating retreat was awesome and Jo is excited about what God is doing in her heart. She made some great friends, 1 from USA, 1 from UK and believe it or not, 2 from Australia.
Steve survived his weekend as a single parent and he and the kids had some great adventures. They went up the Cog railway to the top of Pikes peak mountian which is 14,000 feet. They spent some more time at the Garden of the Gods and the kids earned their junior ranger badges from the National Park. Yesterday Steve, JAck & Tom went mountain biking at MOAB which was fantastic .......BUT not long enough.

We had heard about the terrible tragedty in Vict on the internet. And it did make the papers here on Monday morning ...FRONT PAGE. SO very distressing. AND so unbelievable.

Well I might leave it there for tonight as we need sleep. Will endeavour to post some more photos tomorrow. Only 7 more sleeps till we are home...Yay. We are missing you all and our Kalbar.
Love Steve, Jo, Jack, Tom, Sarah & Tim


  1. Hello, 7 more sleeps, am I reading correctly, you're not counting down the sleeps till you get back to Kalbar?
    Paul says to tell Jack & Tom that the cricket is 2 all between Australia & New Zealand in the one day comp.
    Went to mothers group today( Wednesday) it was quite a lovely morning , justine hasn't had the baby yet which is probably good because Rueben is teething & been grumpy the past couple of days.
    The bush fires in Victoria are horrific!!! The number of deaths has reached 181 today and still ment to go over 200! 1,033 houses so far have been destroyed. SO SAD! But also some amazing tales of is amazing that they even survived. Some people ahd to jump into rivers and into dams just to live!! Complete towns have been burnt to the ground town has had 1 in 5 of the population killed...babies, small children, whole families have been lost to the inferno...they didn't even see the fires coming. The fires were intense, the pictures are overwhlming and bring you to tears and make you thank the Lord for the protection of my own family. The Red Cross has already raised $44 million to help those left with nothing but the clothes on their back. It is all over the news & on every channal on the tv, depressing & unbelievable...

    That was sad news, sorry it has gone to the core.

    Glad to hear, Jo, that the Captivating retreat went well and you made some great friends.
    Looking forward to all the details & how the Lord has impacted you.

    Hope you have a great time at the grand canyon.

    Where are of to after that?

    Better go feed the puss cat. Looking forward to seeing more pics and seeing you in 7 sleeps...or is that 6 sleeps now? LOL

    Love to the Freeman clan, keep safe & well....
    Amanda and family

  2. Hi Guys,
    Great to hear your enjoying the USA, I can't believe the Grand Canyon had snow I've always imagined it to be in the desert. Must have been awesome, can't wait for more photos. I have to apologise I have been trying to write to you and had a heap of trouble logging on, I hope this gets to you this time. We have broadband on now so should be a lot faster.
    The East coast of Australia is coping it, up north they have had floods and more rain is coming and down south as you have heard has fires to the east of Melbourne its devistating. Lives and properties lost in some cases whole towns.
    Enough of that now is Yucky.
    I loved the pictures you have posted. And i'm glad to hear your camp and weekend went very well, i know God will use these experiences to the best. Can't wait. Love you all see you in 7 sleeps
    God bless
    Erika, Allen & Family
