
My name is Joanne Freeman. I love photography, mixed media art and living a simple country life in rural Australia with my husband Steve and 4 kids. We recently purchased a 135 yr old homestead bringing to fruition a long held dream. As we slowly renovate our new place we continue to have adventures as a family whilst seeking Truth and nurturing our passions and gifts.

For a long time I lived in a world of judgement, perfectionism and guilt. In 2009 I began a journey of deep cleansing and healing. I have been taken to places in my soul that needed refreshing and rejuvenating. I was, and still continue to be, stripped of layers that have covered up parts of me I didn't even know existed. Many false beliefs and rules that kept me from being free and seeing the real me.  The journey has been difficult and painful, yet also a wonderful time of discovering a beauty that has taken my breath away. A time to love my brokenness, embrace my imperfections and accept the grace offered to me. This journey has also awakened my dormant creative spirit which has been a gift that I will treasure for my lifetime.

My story has lead me to become passionate about creating a welcoming space for women and girls to share sacred stories and engage in creative expression. I want to nurture the connection between soul and creativity. I believe in cultivating the coming together of one's spiritual life with experiences that make up our everyday lives. I long to connect with other contemplative souls, creating together and listening to their sacred stories.

Soul House Studio was born out of my desire for deep connection and creative community. The Soul House Studio is situated in the beautiful Scenic Rim, Queensland. A picturesque place in rural Australia. The studio is still in the renovation stages and the retreats are being planned out however creative gatherings will be beginning in mid 2017.

Details of these gatherings can be found here on the blog and on facebook.

Please contact me at soulhousestudio@gmail.com if you have questions or comments.

I hope to see you at a creative gathering soon .

Jo xx

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